Young Farmers of America
The purpose of the Young Farmers Program sponsored by the Jefferson County Farmers Federation is to encourage the next generation of farmers, to develop leadership and to expand interest in agriculture.
By coming together as part of the state's largest farm organization, young farmers can share enthusiasm and experiences with others to work toward a stronger farming future for themselves and generations to follow. Efforts are made to identify problems that face today's young farmer and to focus on solutions to overcome these problems.
The Young Farmers Program provides a format by which members can meet with other young farmers across the state and share ideas. Programs are in place to recognize the achievements of young farmers. Young farmers participate in many county activities and programs. In the past, programs have invluded: Earth Day at the Gardens, Pinson Butterbean Festival, Clay May Days, Warrior Day, and Farm City Week. The young farmers play a major role in helping to tell the farm story.
Farming is not just a job. It's a way of life.
Evan Nelson